@_documentation(visibility: ...) for c Files


I see that @_documentation(visibility: ...) is available and I have it working for swift source files when using DocC.

My question is how to do the same thing for c source (the .h header files specifically)? I haven't been able to find a way to exclude methods or variables in c code from the documentation DocC creates. I'd also be fine with excluding c header files entirely from DocC.

Is this available? If so, how could it be done?


I’m gonna recommend that you bounce on over to Swift Forums > Development > Swift-DocC and ask your question there. The underscore in @_documentation(…) indicates it’s not a fully-baked feature, and so more a subject for there than here.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Thanks, I've reposted this in the Swift-DocC forum: @_documentation(visibility: …) for c Files

@_documentation(visibility: ...) for c Files